Permisi agan ane mw jual lagi kali ini Fujifilm FinePix S2980
Spek :
Resolusi 14 Mp
Zoom 18x
3.0in LCD screen (230K dot resolution) and EVF (200K dot resolution)
HD stills (Full HD) and 720p HD movie capture (30 fps)
Face Detection with Blink detection and Smile and shoot mode
Motion Panorama mode
Auto Rotate
Kondisi :
fisik mulus 95% sisnya pemakaian wajar..,
mesin normal semua.,
no jamur
Kelengkapan :
kabel data
Cd driver
**Bonus Batre Eneloop 4 biji beserta charger nya
yang g da jangan di tanya,.,.,!!!
harga Alhadmulillah SOLD ,Siapa cepat dy dapat,.,.
IG : czortox
fast response W.A 0898 ~ 9838 ~ 632 or Telp 081230401855
COD Kebraon Indah Asri Perum Ramada No 26 ( Samping SMP 24 )